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those eyes

my dear sweet bella-bee. this week was hard on her. you may laugh but it's true. she reflected the stress of her pa, who was worried...


are always sad for some, happy, rather exciting for others. They are good, Bad & hopefully work out for the best. For all parties. ...

a "rosie" afternoon

so wednesday, i moved rosie, the golden, over to the small dog yard, so she could play with her old buddies. she always seems so...

bite guard?

wed, may 4th, sophia, not the best looking dog, kinda odd-looking, but she is "apparently" mean & needs at least 2 naps/per day. but...


the dogs were crazy. like crazy crazy. 3 fights in like 1 hour! and a huge bite mark on my leg from lucy. what a gift, never forget that...

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