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DECEMBER 06 2017

DECEMBER 12 2017

Oh and here's Milo, jumping in to say HI! And is that Maizey that Berkeley is chasing, as Penny "supervises," Oh and Maizey & Berkeley find something sniff-worthy in the snow, And Penny wants to join in...Milo & Nilla find each other and the wrestle dance is ON! Maizey Smith & Artie come out to check things out...And Penny spots Nilla one of her besties and we go inside to see the puppy doodles hanging out together, BellaD & Sophie...Back outside Nilla and his ears are checking out the yard, Shyla stops by to say hi, while Sophie is new to the cold so she hibernates on the steps inside...Then Remi spots CodyA, (wow, we look alike!) And Berkeley is having a quiet moment and wants a hug from Jes...Then Sampson comes bounding by! Sid perches up on the bridge to say hello! And MaizeyMaureen & Vyla get to dancing & kissing! Artie is out checking things out again and Izzy slips into the picture to say hi and then wrestle with Sophie...Artie checks on his friend Sidney, and we swing by to see Uncle Woodson, Elliot/Eli and Sampson dances with Nilla, while inside BellaD hides under Sonny, while Makena & Sidney relax, Then Vyla & MaizeyW do a little rock n roll bit, Leonard extends a kiss to BellaC, Olive is a little tired of puppies, and Artie runs from his new friend-wanna-be Sampson, who doesn't realize his is actually BIG and Artie, who doesn't realize he is actually SMALL...And finally Lucy Pai & Sonny have a little relaxing roll-around time!

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