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1st-7th Seattle

It was so good to be back! To see long lost Poby & Totoro! To have Rosie smile in the sun with the littles following her like she is a princess-which she is-, MiloF makes friends withe RileyM (brindle-shy). Freki drives everyone a little nuts and plays with anyone! everyone! Watching Eevee & Maya be sunbathing girls... Wren goes a little nuts with joy! Bo Kind & Penny come in for kisses and Bo tries to be naughty but remembers every time his name is spoken to be a gentleman...Maxi smiles in the sun...Chicken Nugget plays outside with Poby far into the day...Webster comes and sits for cuddles...Darti, Makena, Wren & Sonny & Shyla smile in the late sun...Hugo stretches for the camera! Skylar & I work on patience and SMILES...Sonny & Rosie gaze at each other...And Bella trots into the yard overwhelming all the girls like MaizeyMaureen, BFF, & the boys like Franklin...Bongo works on hanging outside, and enjoying it!

Bach attempts to make friends with Tucker...(who is not so much feeling it)...Boston, Maddie & Shadow stop by to say hello, Oliver holds my hand for a bit-(it's been too long, i need my picture taken), Rosie, LunaB, Kaylee, Pixie, OnyxS, Penny the Hound, FinnC & Barnes come out to say goodbye to summer...Peeking over to the little yard...Bean & Fig are here! Jedd, Hugo & Chow smell the cold coming in the air. Milo & Penny are oblivious-as usual. & lil Henry stays warm on the inside structure! And we built a Barnes puzzle!

Albus has his first day, cuddles with his counselor, Nymeria gives us a few stare-downs, showing us her serious side, LilyP sits still (!!!) & smiles for the camera, Zeke & Pablo make friends, Big Louie is curious about the camera as Albus hides in his shadow...Pablo's dream comes true; Nymeria plays with him & Gibson!, Ace and Ranger run around getting to know the crowd...Louie meets Pablo & they find themselves in circles of joy with Zeke not far behind...Albus begins to explore the yard...Nymeria takes a rest as the circlers run around her! The "old-schoolers" monitor the inside; Champion Makena, Molly & Bobo...Kenai wants to understand why Nymeria is so, um, calm. Nymeria gets back into play with Pablo while Louie coaches from the side!...Enter Grizzly...with big smiles... Penny the hound ventures out to play with Louie, Onyx & Kenai come out to watch Louie & Pablo...And here comes Arlo & Zeke & Grizzly as well...Zeke & Pablo run inside to warm up and wrestle privately, while soon after Pablo gets tackled by Rosie...Then we wander back outside to Grizzly's warm eyes & a bunch of sloppy kisses!

Maxx comes in for a close-up, a furrever happy dog!...Zeke and Arnie also share their well as Houston & Natasha...The fun begins with besties Natasha & Sawyer rustling around, full of laughter...Grizzly comes in for his kiss! Sawyer meets Arnie...Ramses takes on Grizzly, then Maxx gets a bite of Grizzly...Back outside, Sawyer & Natasha continue to run rampant, joyful as always, Malcolm wants to join in...Grizzly poses for some GlamourShots!...Malcolm gets his tail all wrapped up with Grizzly...Arnie makes new friends! Aidan, while Ella watches from outside...Houston needs a nap, (for 2 minutes)...Natasha & Aidan eye the camera cautiously...Then Natasha runs in crazy circles!...Houston & Sawyer have some boy time, dancing like crazy...Malcolm & Natasha really want to join in! Out in the small yard Goose comes to say hello...Moxie & Milo play, Joel watches...Moxie meets the new guy BaileyDuffy....

Doodle the schnoodle comes to say hi, Finn explores his facial expressions while Colby & Penny watch with curiousity...MiloM & AbbyH give us curious looks from the steps...Colby daydreams for a moment...Joel tries to sneak in for some lovin, intercepted by Finn...Joel then seeks friendship with Tobe, who is unsure and ends up in Jes's arms. On the inside Penny finds herself with a friend-crush, Akira (who is soooo cool)...FinnB & BillyDelaney stop to wonder how they look so much alike but smell so different...Berkeley stands over Sidney and tries to get a taste of Akira...then goes off to dance for & with Jes...Joel is outside with Ziva, just a look...Berkeley gives his counselor lovin! Milo stands guard over Penny...then wrestles her to the ground...MiloF & MiloM is the next picture (funny)...Arnie smiles nice next to Penny...while Berkeley tries to play with MiloM, (who isn't super sure)...Penny finds herself in a very black corner...surrounded & confused! We venture outside to see what happens when the look-a-likes Joel & Malcolm meet... Back inside the warm hearts of Penny and Artie watch over their friend SidneyP

Freddie stops by to say hello...Sonny finds a new bestie, Maverick ( & his crazy faces)...Hazel steps up to see "what the heck these boys are doing?!"...Hazel decides to stick with the girls as her & Ziva dive after Penny...Rosie gets a good air-sniff while Laika just chills...Sonny makes flying leaps at Maverick, who thinks this is just AWESOME! Little Teddy Brenner peeks out from under the slide to say hello... Champion & Fred meet again for the first time in weeks...and Fred is ready to rumble...Inside & Outside they dance, Champion shows us his HUGE smile of thanks!

Brady, such hair, such style...Stanley is a bit shocked after her 30 minute nail grind...but is still willing to check things out with Miggy, Hank smiles for the camera and Miggy says hello to Mr. Pocket... Max Lynch decides to be a cuddle bug on this cold day and Nellie gives us her "Really?" teenage girl look...Stanley then says hi to Lucky & continues on her way. Miggy gets quality time in with his counselor... and Sasha meets Monkey... The kids come in for cuddles and Charlie tries to look chill, Max & Stanley look very similar...not sure if they notice...Bailey & Cooper say hi from the big yard! Knuckles wants a cuddle partner! Charlie tries to dance for the camera but all we get is a paw...Next door Silver & Odin play, Silver laughs his heart out! Outside Caesar & Luna explore the snow...Max comes out to run around & take on Caesar! Hank decides to come out to see the snow...And here comes Miggy & Berkeley to run as well! Stanley gets up close & personal with Max...then they wander back inside... where Miggy is singing & Berkeley is cuddling &Mr. Pocket is holding his own & Monkey is curious & Berkeley is hiding his face from the camera & Sasha is content & Max is curling up like a cat & Stanley is coming to get in on it & we are simply hanging out...

Thanksgiving Day! So grateful to get to spend the day with my beautiful wonders of friends; Ginger Lamb! Baby, tiny, old Webster...Goose is making major steps at camp! Sadie Sue returns, foot all better, still has my blankets... but much more comfy in the yard! Jezzy & Beau get to know each other, Benny tries to play!...Cody Matton smiles in the sun, as does Ginger and Webster enjoys the slight wind! Kena gets brave and runs outside to smile and laugh!...Makena relaxes in the sunshine, and Sadie Sue is in awe of her, (so many spots!)...Goose checks out pretty Ginger while Keno dances about...Elsa comes in for a kiss and Moby & Makena & Mia monitor the yard from top of the hill! Meydl & Beau hit it off...while Charlie Theodore & Mr. Pocket wonder whats next?!....Beau spots pretty Mia on the steps, decides to say hi!, And Goose comes out for snuggles with Jes in the yard...Beau, (spunky little fire-bug), finds Keno and they run about...while Draper & Goose watch in wonder...Meanwhile Meydl & Ginger, pretty misses, absorb the beautiful sunshine!...Ramses glances a smile over to the small yard...Boston is thankful for the warm sunshine & fresh air & the life he had with Casey!...Cooper jumps up to say hi! Mia scoots about the yard while Makena & Moby continue patrol with Lexi...Saffron & Cam say hey while the littles run amuck with Malcolm & Lily & Madison in the darkened yard! What a day to be thankful for!

Wayne's kids; Cedar & Onyx, just chilling!...Beau peeks his head out into the cold air and then comes in to wrestle with Pablo, Jake plays along & yes there is a slip-lead in the yard, but as long as we play nice...Then Pablo needs some time alone with his CampBowWow Ball...Jake cheers on from the next yard over and Pablo still dribbles and catches the ball! Kacy Blevins is in the kitchen smiling while doing dishes- what a star!-

A new cloudy day at camp! But no reason not to smile! MaizeyS give us a nervous look of love while RileyS & Tess make friends...Meanwhile Beau warms up to the new guy-Petey_...Freki's ears are a bit amess, and MiloM peeks around the door...Tess meets Petey...And Lily & Maddie curl up into Jes's hands, while Bailey & Cooper play in the yard next door...Keno finds Tess to be sooooo tall and sooo beautiful and Keno is in awe! Meydl smiles in the sun & Maddie comes outside looking for fresh air...Beau finds his next new playmate-Ginger...Goose meets Keno and realizes his size and moves on...Ginger poses for a GlamourShot & Lily tells us thanks for the love...while Otto& Gauge chill side by side in the big yard & Belle Park jumps up to say Hi- but really quick-...Tess moves on to discover Freki...& Lily while Mia & Petey smile for the camera... Beau finds Riley Spangler & decides to go wild! Coco stops by to say hello, while the rest of the kids do discreet poses in doorways and outside and the girls join together.(Tess & Maddie, Elegant & Graceful) RileyS gets some love from Jes while Freki & his girl Baby Nelly just chill...

Berkeley & MiloM make awesome friends. Goose sticks his nose up into the lens to smell hi...Goose swings by to say hello to Jes & Beau...while Barney & Draper cheer on the Berkeley-MiloM dance! Ginger warms up in the sun...Cornbread sneaks around outside while Berkeley & Jes do their dance...& then MiloM joins back in! On the inside, Tigger jumps around, Milo smiles so big!...Keno takes a nap under the bridge while the groupies gather out front with Ginger's super smile & Berkeley's serious stare...Goose & Jezzy smile for the camera & Meydl simply sits pretty...Mika & Dirty say hi...while the rest of the kids pose pretty...Tigger, Barney & Beau & Goose & Draper & Lexi & Tucker H & the dances begin again!

Vyla Mae gets curious about Gracie...Ferdinand stops by to say hi!...Lucy Pai get brave in the yard and approaches the camera, as does Franklin right behind her...Bear gives us a couple big smiles- cause he's in the yard with his bud Wren-...Kahlua gives us a stare-down while Sidney P gets out onto the structure in her pink sweater (soo pretty)...Then MiloM tries to figure out who Kahlua (his mini-me) is...Tucker Smith & baby Nelly go crazy wild on the floor...Mojo takes a walk on the wild side, on top of the play structure, soon joined by Koda & Colby...On the inside Draper is being super good, smiling in his spot. Max says hey while Nilla peeks around the corner! Then a small swarm of curls is atop the structure, Mojo, Max, Franklin...all black, white and greys...Lucy P makes pals with Gracie and Colby gets close enough for a sniff, soon joined by Nilla...kinda look-a-likes....Meanwhile Koda & Milo M have a barking contest between the two of them, sounds like a distorted choir...Jezzy meets Kahlua...Freki spies Colby under the bridge & starts to play while Nilla & MiloM cheer them on! Then Nilla tells us how he really feels..and Lilly H shows us a sneak of a smile...

Kyanna wants to know why we are never at camp on the same days! Mason comes to say hi, but he is tired from a morning of crazy play...Belle Park gazes out to the chilly yard...Stanley shows us his true colors through the sun's rays! Kyanna & Zeke want to know...ARE we gonna PLAY!? Lucy G snuggles up to Kacy with a smile from behind!...Kyanna & Pablo have a "meeting" discussing play-techniques & secrets..."Meeting adjourned"...Pablo retreats to the inside to ponder his thoughts... Then the REAL play begins..Belle watches from the side to monitor...How can Kyanna play without ruining her pretty nails?... The kids then realize they are a bit tired so they take a break...Then Kyanna insists we go outside to "get better light" to show off her toenails! Oh how pretty! You can see right through those eyes directly to her warm sweet heart. Love that girl.

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