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DECEMBER 08 2017

Are we seeing double? Naw, it's Jake & BellaC...Bilbo tries to peek around Tobe to see what's so exciting and yet he remains confused...Meanwhile Maya & Leonard get a bit of sun-bathing in on the side...Inside Bentley cannot understand why Jake won't play with him...but he makes progress towards a new friendship...Outside we have the three look-a-likes, in coloring not size!, Dixie, Freki & Leonard...Hazel really wants to cheer-up BellaC to no avail...But Leinie shows up and Hazel moves her charm onto her...Then Tobe finds it necessary to give us a few striking poses while Hazel continues to rotate her charm onto different dogs to find the perfect playmate, first Tanner the puppy, then Scout...Dixie finds a playmate in Rockco, while Hazel tries to be the third player...Nilla races by with Hugo just behind him for the tackle! Rusty gives us a good ol' howl showing off his cute button ears, while PepperAnne finds Dixie and really really wants to play...And then Leonard lets Rusty know that the spot he is in is taken, reserved for the Great & Powerful Leonard...PepperAnne persists with Dixie, (if I yell at her enough won't she play?) but alas Dixie finds fun with Nilla as they run & wrestle around. Franklin stops to say hello...And Rusty finally wakes up BellaC to play...Baci spies a friend under the bridge...Franklin & Puppy Tanner are bewildered by the slur of activity...while Dixie & Nilla are joined by Hugo & Maya & Freki... for a breather Freki & Dixie pose for a twin picture in the sun! And lil Leonard spots Dixie and wonders why she seems so tall but it obviously the same size as him :) And Nilla comes bounding forward with all his strength...Inside BellaM & Dixie do a bit of circling,(maybe we should play?)...Finn T glances up for a kiss and back outside a wonder of happenings goes on...Hazel & Nilla, Tanner meet Baci, CodyA strikes a pose or three...Next door we peek over to see Mila & Sookie & Pixie (girl-time) laughing & wrestling & sniffing...Then again we turn to see Hazel, And NIlla inquiring about Puppy Tanner, FinnT gives us a look...We retreat back inside to see Hazel sprinkling her charm on Puppy Tanner, while Freki watches from below...Trooper makes a new friend in Lily O'Brian...and finally Lucy Pai & Jes have some hug time! What a busy day!

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