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NOVEMBER 26th 2017

Berkeley & MiloM make awesome friends. Goose sticks his nose up into the lens to smell hi...Goose swings by to say hello to Jes & Beau...while Barney & Draper cheer on the Berkeley-MiloM dance! Ginger warms up in the sun...Cornbread sneaks around outside while Berkeley & Jes do their dance...& then MiloM joins back in! On the inside, Tigger jumps around, Milo smiles so big!...Keno takes a nap under the bridge while the groupies gather out front with Ginger's super smile & Berkeley's serious stare...Goose & Jezzy smile for the camera & Meydl simply sits pretty...Mika & Dirty say hi...while the rest of the kids pose pretty...Tigger, Barney & Beau & Goose & Draper & Lexi & Tucker H & the dances begin again!

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