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DECEMBER 06 2017

DECEMBER 09 2017

Hmm, what is going on over there? wonder the big dogs...Then 2 German Sheperds vs. Kylo?! (yeah I guess that's pretty even...) Penny comes in for a kiss. The newbie Ripley wonder what this "kiss" is...then onto battle with lil Jagger. Georgie looks up with longing...Tobe & Max follow each other around, (beagle boys)...then Lucy O & Rosie E stop by for a polka-dot pose! Henry & Thor swing by with stern looks & then Athena joins the crowd looking for love...Adley stops by to say hi and Sgt. Bailey runs by with a HUGE smile! Rosie E says hey...Finn T & Maxi give us some profile views...Penny spots Ripley outside and decides to investigate...Back inside FinnN & Max L let their eyes wander towards us...Milo has a funny ear moment...Lily O sneaks a peak to the other yard...Finn N comes in with a weird face and Sgt Bailey is laughing again! Ripley swings by to check out the drama...then back outside to see what's going on...Penny & Jagger are on the lookout, then Penny gives us a hard-tough-girl-stare...Oops! then Jagger & Ripley begin to mix it up! crazy-looking ways, but they swear it's all fun 'n games...back inside the polka dot boys show off their bellies...Dixie & Sgt Bailey have a laugh! Penny is trying her hardest to get that gosh-darn scarf off, while Athena laughs in the background...Finally! With success she then finds Lucy Lee and decides to say hi! Then Georgie & Tobe are on lookout above! While Finn T hides out underneath the bridge. And Chloe closes her's been a long day...

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