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January 2018

Magic Moment

January 11 2018

Cedar makes a new buddy with Jet and they go play-crazy!...Bolt and Sophie make new pals as Sophie always does with the new kids...BellaC comes into the yardand her & Hazel run up to say hi!  Cedar does a lil dance on film for us...(what a pixie)...The lookouts are inside; BellaC, Makena, Franklin & Artie...Jet gets caught up in Bella's tail with smiles and finds himself tangled with Nilla...And the bff's Kona & Penny find each other again and try once again to chew each other to bits...And Artie & BellaC do a lil tango dance...Tanner & Paxton take a rest in the big yard...& Wren tries to lead the small yard into a crazy dance...and Penny & BellaC decide they both love Jes so they should just play...all the time! And before we go we spot lil Maizey Smith smiling like goodness!!!

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