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January 2018

just a glimpse so far... The beginning of a new year... or another day with the dogs... Milo begins with trying to make friends with the pretty McCririe girls, Rose & Mable...Darti stops short in front of the sun for a radiant view (of himself)...BuddyH scopes out the play area, not sure what to make of what...SidneyP smiles in the beautiful bright sunshine while Sawyer finds a girl he really wants to be friends with; Sierra... Then Milo & Ziva get wild and snow covered and crazy! Finn stops in to say hello, where's my kiss? Baci becomes intrigued by Lucy Pai...Lola M gives us a quick glance, maybe asking for a hug?...Finn begins play with Chow the beagle & Mable & Rose stretch to greet the other side! Otto & Gauge sit quietly on the floor and wonder when nap time is/what can I eat in here? Sierra dodges Sawyer as he acts like a gentleman and pursues her tenderly... Than we run outside to see what the fun is all about...Ziva & Milo begin the run-around, Lucy Pai soon joins in, as well as Mila jumping in for a few laughs... Cricket is tired and snuggles in the corner with Brandi & Charlie Rachel Shazer in a nice warm CBW hoodie.

Maizey Smith looks so comfy in her pretty red coat...Skye come up for a few kisses with Jes...Bichon trots by, happy as always...Penny & Charlie stop for a few snap of the camera...London is outside, enjoying the snow and smiling...Tucker Story says hi, Olive shows off her new pretty sweater...Zander finds Tucker to be fun and tries to initiate play...Then we have Corgi play with Charlie & Thor...Rusty & Cricket hit it off and play outside...Henri & Buddy hang out together and next door, Belle & Beau go a little nuts on each other! How fun!

Boston, beautiful Boston is in for a day at the man-spa...Morris is happy to see us!...Kyanna has her "gotcha day" & gives us looks that basically say, "You may think You got Me but in reality I got You and am soooooo glad for the best Moms & best friends ever!" Oscar meets Porter, pretty girl...Moxie has moved up to the big yard!...And so has Mochi, who is hanging with Morris, of Roxy & Morris, and then hangs with Molson, who is desperate to get under that ice! Jake & Beau linger in the doorway... And Arya tries on the beautiful scarf that her ma made & gave to Jes...she looks so pretty...And feels so pretty too! And Cashew glances up to wonder where her scarf is?...

London is having a great day, enjoying the calmness of the small yard and the fresh snow & bright sun...Maizey tells BellaC a secret...Sophie introduces little Kilo into the play-yard game...Skye poses for the camera, looking beautiful...And Penny C is curious stumbling about on the slide...Nova comes in to say hello and offer up a huge smile and Penny pauses in play to greet her..and then the rumble-tumble begins...Lucas is still a bit shy...and up on the steps Cricket grabs some fresh air while Nilla & Penny taunt each other...Argo, inside, wins best outfit!...while the really lil ones, Honey & Hunter & Brandi & Sushi smile at the camera. Nellie & Hank also toss up a glance...

Makena & Fred go on their first "official" date and it's a success. Both are madly happy...Rosie & Cedar join the party but really only want to hang with Jes...Milo & Bella Craze join as well but aren't really feeling the "date" thing...So it's just Makena & Fred...happily ever after... Then we go outside to say hi to Jack & Kona, both full of well as Cedar in his new seasonal jacket...fancy...and we run into Ralphie on his first day... Then back outside Jack & Mochi get a lil playtime well as Cashew & PennyP...Rosie swings by for some glamour shots...And Dodger wants to play with many new friends...Speaking of Natasha & Kylo get busy as well...Oscar & Talulah sneak into the pictures and oh there's Mabel!...and Jake & Kona give Jes kisses with their eyes...and we continue on into part 2 of the everlasting date!...

Sushi says hey, soaking up the sun & snow by herself!...Mia finds Pepper and wants to play...Maverick MUST check on them to make sure lil sis is okay...And then here comes Jack leaping into the arms of Mochi as they become quick friends...and Mav and Sushi lunge on by to make sure all is okay...Next door Yoshi is spying inn on us and Goose & Maverick peek on over as well...Boots comes in for a snuggle & a kiss...Then we check on everyone and capture some cute/weird expressions...Elsa, Skye & Lucas, Mia...Then the play continues with Maverick & Lucas with Mia not far behind...Mabel & Rose can't decide between hugs & or kicks and bites...and back to the three goofballs playing randomly...While Skye is outside with nosy lil Doug... Inside Mia & Pepper give us a weird look...Lucas & Skye come in to kiss the counselor!>...Then we meander over to find Billy & Sushi, Boots and Nellie, Hunter & Honey relaxing around the yard... Over in the big yard Oscar is playing with Yoshi...polka dots everywhere...Before bed we run outside for some night shots with Maverick, Mabel, BellaC & Skye...

The triplets are going home... that means bath time for Rose, Mabel & Oscar... London is happy to be out and about today...Arnie is making another new girlfriend...Lucy Pai...The older beautiful dogs are about...Delilah and the young lil whippersnappers...Shiloh, Kona, Sampson & his sweater, Vyla, Louie...We have a lil bit of Ivy and Koda, always looking for trouble, and London is hanging out with the pack of howlers...Franklin & Leonard reunite, best buddies are furrever! Riley Thompson get the wind in his face and Makena & Berk are monitoring the indoor yard, as usual, Franklin is full of kisses and Kona is running up to monitor the situation (my personal bodyguard). White Koda & Shiloh smile for the camera and it's been another wonderful day.

Nilla & Penny are here...And big brother Arnie...and Rusty wants to play with Delilah or Chicken Nugget...whoever is game!...Nilla & Penny try to play/wrestle/do gymnastics without running into Nellie...OOPS!...and Billy and Bentley and lil Lady are all out in the snow! Berkeley is inside asking for hugs...Brinni is saying hi...And baby baby Penny C. is all snuggles and teeth... lil fuzzy Bentley & Draper & Mikey & Churro & Lilly are all here....

Cedar makes a new buddy with Jet and they go play-crazy!...Bolt and Sophie make new pals as Sophie always does with the new kids...BellaC comes into the yardand her & Hazel run up to say hi! Cedar does a lil dance on film for us...(what a pixie)...The lookouts are inside; BellaC, Makena, Franklin & Artie...Jet gets caught up in Bella's tail with smiles and finds himself tangled with Nilla...And the bff's Kona & Penny find each other again and try once again to chew each other to bits...And Artie & BellaC do a lil tango dance...Tanner & Paxton take a rest in the big yard...& Wren tries to lead the small yard into a crazy dance...and Penny & BellaC decide they both love Jes so they should just play...all the time! And before we go we spot lil Maizey Smith smiling like goodness!!!

We have Mylo & Sadie the German Sheperd & Stella E is back with Polka doing their girl thing...And Lucky appears out of nowhere...Stella finds Jack the doodle and realizes (omg- we're twins!)...Woodson recognizes HazelC from awhile back and remembers (this is the girl who likes to have fun!)...Hudson & Lucy & Lucky come on in for close-ups...and true love strikes again! We have Makena & Fred dancin the night away!

All the best of the best in the small yard! Nilla & Penny are feeling normal-(rambunctious)...It's Red's first day and he peeks out to say hello...Finn & Nilla take it to the ring...And box/swat/bite away!  Willow & Tobe are wandering about...Sophie finds her look-a-like (BellaC)...And besties Nilla & Penny taunt each other...but Nilla goes with the boys...(Fenway looks like a blast!)...Meydl swings by with a couple smiles, pretty girl...Maya & Sophie act as pillows for the mini Chihuahas, Penny & Roxie...Cedar meets Fenway with great excitement! Rocco gives us a good teethy smile and Lucy & Georgie do a lil dance!

Oh it's Hudson & RosieE & Bolt & Ozzy next door with Scout Hoover...and Miffy is dancing with Otto Turner...And Finn & Louie are making friends...Penny and Roxie are manning the lookout spot...LouLou watches the commotion outside in the big yard...Meydl tries to spark it up with Rosie...Colby & Rocco cuddle...Lucky & Scout come in for close-ups!...And Finn loves to chew on & dance with Jes...while Scout flounces around in the snow...and Bolt looks mighty confused...Fenway needs a nap! (this is hard, playing all day!)...and Taylor takes in some beauty shots before her bathtime!

Kyanna does a little sidestep for us & it's SNOWING! Belle P takes the hint and the fresh air goes right to her blood...Bella G is new today but so sweet with her big eyes...Snapshots of Grizzly, Ellie Mae, Yoshi & Tucker Story & Harley & Beevy...Rocky & Brody are here and Annie Mae & Miles M. (A little like seeing double.)  Crazy girl time outside in the falling snow with Kona, BelleP, PennyP & Brooklyn, until Grizzly jumps in looking for love...Pax & Kona make furry friends as well as with Archie, (it's a doodle party)... Kyanna is here and Talulah needs a break...Chance & Bolt snuggle to warm away the cold...Kona attacks Jes with love...Kacy gets lovin on with BaileyE...Ans Kona stalks Grizzly and they become pals...Bella...lets me take her picture...(as she stares through me)...And Berkeley Kim finds a new girlfriend BellaH and they dance and dance...Then finally Makena plays with Fred and they (together) meet Joel...big steps in the relationship!...

Another sunny snowy day

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