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NOVEMBER 12th 2017

Doodle the schnoodle comes to say hi, Finn explores his facial expressions while Colby & Penny watch with curiousity...MiloM & AbbyH give us curious looks from the steps...Colby daydreams for a moment...Joel tries to sneak in for some lovin, intercepted by Finn...Joel then seeks friendship with Tobe, who is unsure and ends up in Jes's arms. On the inside Penny finds herself with a friend-crush, Akira (who is soooo cool)...FinnB & BillyDelaney stop to wonder how they look so much alike but smell so different...Berkeley stands over Sidney and tries to get a taste of Akira...then goes off to dance for & with Jes...Joel is outside with Ziva, just a look...Berkeley gives his counselor lovin! Milo stands guard over Penny...then wrestles her to the ground...MiloF & MiloM is the next picture (funny)...Arnie smiles nice next to Penny...while Berkeley tries to play with MiloM, (who isn't super sure)...Penny finds herself in a very black corner...surrounded & confused! We venture outside to see what happens when the look-a-likes Joel & Malcolm meet... Back inside the warm hearts of Penny and Artie watch over their friend SidneyP...

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