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NOVEMBER 29th 2017

Kyanna wants to know why we are never at camp on the same days! Mason comes to say hi, but he is tired from a morning of crazy play...Belle Park gazes out to the chilly yard...Stanley shows us his true colors through the sun's rays! Kyanna & Zeke want to know...ARE we gonna PLAY!? Lucy G snuggles up to Kacy with a smile from behind!...Kyanna & Pablo have a "meeting" discussing play-techniques & secrets..."Meeting adjourned"...Pablo retreats to the inside to ponder his thoughts... Then the REAL play begins..Belle watches from the side to monitor...How can Kyanna play without ruining her pretty nails?... The kids then realize they are a bit tired so they take a break...Then Kyanna insists we go outside to "get better light" to show off her toenails! Oh how pretty! You can see right through those eyes directly to her warm sweet heart. Love that girl.

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