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  1. The intelligent, immaterial and immortal part of man; the soul, in distinction from the body in which it resides; the agent or subject of vital and spiritual functions, whether spiritual or material."There is a spirit in man; and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding." [Job xxxii. 8.]"As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also." [James ii. 26.]" Spirit is a substance wherein thinking, knowing, doubting, and a power of moving, do subsist." [Locke.]

  2. Life, or living substance, considered independently of corporeal existence; an intelligence conceived of apart from any physical organization or embodiment; vital essence, force, or energy, as distinct from matter.

  3. Energy, vivacity, ardor, enthusiasm, courage, etc."“Write it then, quickly,” replied Bede; and summoning all his spirits together, like the last blaze of a candle going out, he indited it, and expired." [Fuller.]

  4. One who is vivacious or lively; one who evinces great activity or peculiar characteristics of mind or temper; as, a ruling spirit; a schismatic spirit ."Such spirits as he desired to please, such would I choose for my judges." [Dryden.]

When I think of Spirit, many things cross my mind​.

I think of his free heart and how everyone insisted on giving him naps when all he wanted all the time was to be out in the fresh air trotting on the turf. I loved the way even though he was older, he yearned for life, to take it all it was worth. He wanted to be out living and loving the world as he knew it. Spirit was a dog, none-the-less-, a blue dog, with the biggest heart and he was loved by so many. At the first instant he strutted into my yard, (I was pretty new), I thought he was so beautiful, I insisted he was a she! But what struck me most about him was his inner spirit and strength. He was determinded to live and to love every minute of it, cream cheese, pills, naps, baths, no matter what! Some of my favorite times early at camp were spent hatting with him about stuff, everyday stuff, but finding a friend in him meant alot to me. 

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