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Always loving animals, I remember picking kitties & puppies up from cardboard boxes in downtown ann arbor, in the market in kerrytown. 


I've always been attracted to animals of any & every kind. once i dated a young man, lil timmy, in my college years, who raised lobsters. We fed them baby goldfish, carrot slivers & apple chunks.  since lobsters are one of the rare species that always mate with the same partner their entire life, the “papa” lobster’s name was old-bone-daddy. the little ones he sold to pet stores.


"after all, animals are far superior beings than we humans.​"  -mpsly

I've been influenced by people that i know, have encountered, or in some way, touched by people that have shown me, money is money, but doing what you love gives you a desire, a challenge to always do better, go deeper, be stronger, stand tall & proud of what i do.

Since getting a position at camp, i have been blessed by the company of such wonderful dogs, wild & funny, quiet & shy.  my friend, matt,  once told me," after all, Animals are far superior beings than we humans."

i also was introduced to animals in other ways at this time in my life, through books; omnivore’s dilemma, michael pollen, fast food nation, temple grandin, the jungle and so many more. I met a beautiful woman one night, bethany-rat-girl, and she was vegan, (i was newly vegetarian), had not heard “vegan” before. I was so interested in helping make changes in our world, i jumped on the boat. We also began volunteering at local rescues.

My team is quite simply put together by myself, my eye, my camera and my subject/subjects. how we react to each other it exactly how i produce such images. images that are striking, soft, sweet, defining, questionable, deep, personal, hidden, secret & so much more.  I have been allowed to enter the space that is personal to the subject/subjects. therefore, this is why my photographs seem personal, they are.


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