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just some playing in the sun!
big dogs!
buddy & daisy!
big dogs, big smiles!
the world of sweet little eyes & huge hearts!
sunny, sunny day, everyone's smiling!
tongues out!
what is this? a pre-arranged portrait day?!
let's mix it up!
get those lips smiling!
those 2 beautiful sets of twins!!
beauty shots of the kids, mika, captain crunch, sawyer & bb/taotao!
bunches of fun on sunny days!
the weekenders up close: woodson/ollie/pepper/remy/darti/lillipup/max l.
smiles are smiles, no matter the breed
a few daily inspirations for the dog lover & laugher
oh how i missed you!
leonard, molly-new foster-, maizey w., zoey-1st day-, 
frankie,  luna beatty, bella, woodson, thelma, nelson, the mcCririe's-mable & rose & now: oscar!- & so many more
interesting week, tail-scents, fluffy tails, smiles, thoughts to the stars, magic dogs...nellie, jake, bella c., eddie, harley, sullivan
summer at camp 2016
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