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  1. A device that can capture a frozen image of time itself. 

“These are stories of the constantly changing ideas of what is real in the human mind, some attempts to make illusions real, and the search for greater order or greater freedom amidst ever changing perceptions of reality.” – Olivia Parker 

“Photography, even though some people refer to it as a mechanical process, forces you to reach out to the world in front of you.”

– Olivia Parker 


(ˌdɒk yəˈmɛn tə ri, -tri) 

adj., n., pl. -ries. adj.

2. depicting an actual event, era, life story, etc., accurately and without fictional elements.



 It's an illusion that photos are made with the camera....they are made with the eye, heart and head.

~Henri Cartier-Bresson

For me, as a photographer, my life is a documentary, written with pictures, images, words, actions. i feel as though every moment in my life is important, for one reason or another.  so this page entilted; "Documentary," is not a bunch of series & projects, & yet it is. This is life, this is how it comes & goes. I will be adding to this page more links on more projects/times in my life continually.


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