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January 2018

January 01 2018

Magic Moment

just a glimpse so far... The beginning of a new year... or another day with the dogs... Milo begins with trying to make friends with the pretty McCririe girls, Rose & Mable...Darti stops short in front of the sun for a radiant view (of himself)...BuddyH scopes out the play area, not sure what to make of what...SidneyP smiles in the beautiful bright sunshine while Sawyer finds a girl he really wants to be friends with; Sierra... Then Milo & Ziva get wild and snow covered and crazy! Finn stops in to say hello, where's my kiss? Baci becomes intrigued by Lucy Pai...Lola M gives us a quick glance, maybe asking for a hug?...Finn begins play with Chow the beagle & Mable & Rose stretch to greet the other side! Otto & Gauge sit quietly on the floor and wonder when nap time is/what can I eat in here? Sierra dodges Sawyer as he acts like a gentleman and pursues her tenderly... Than we run outside to see what the fun is all about...Ziva & Milo begin the run-around, Lucy Pai soon joins in, as well as Mila jumping in for a few laughs... Cricket is tired and snuggles in the corner with Brandi & Charlie Rachel Shazer in a nice warm CBW hoodie.

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