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NOVEMBER 19th 2017

Brady, such hair, such style...Stanley is a bit shocked after her 30 minute nail grind...but is still willing to check things out with Miggy, Hank smiles for the camera and Miggy says hello to Mr. Pocket... Max Lynch decides to be a cuddle bug on this cold day and Nellie gives us her "Really?" teenage girl look...Stanley then says hi to Lucky & continues on her way. Miggy gets quality time in with his counselor... and Sasha meets Monkey... The kids come in for cuddles and Charlie tries to look chill, Max & Stanley look very similar...not sure if they notice...Bailey & Cooper say hi from the big yard! Knuckles wants a cuddle partner! Charlie tries to dance for the camera but all we get is a paw...Next door Silver & Odin play, Silver laughs his heart out! Outside Caesar & Luna explore the snow...Max comes out to run around & take on Caesar! Hank decides to come out to see the snow...And here comes Miggy & Berkeley to run as well! Stanley gets up close & personal with Max...then they wander back inside... where Miggy is singing & Berkeley is cuddling &Mr. Pocket is holding his own & Monkey is curious & Berkeley is hiding his face from the camera & Sasha is content & Max is curling up like a cat & Stanley is coming to get in on it & we are simply hanging out...

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