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  • Writer's pictureJesRose Miller

BATH TIME! so much fun & so many friends

well, friday the 13th wasn't at all bad, at all! probably cause it was all girls working, and we all are in love with the dogs!

and i think i finally found my favorite part about this job, it's those tails, the ones filled with open hearts, and just truly hanging out with friends-dogs-

i enjoy i think the most, just hanging out with them, chatting with them, and then knowing i will see them again soon.

every dog has a different soul, a different personality, and i love each of them specifically for their own individual hearts. who knew all my pals would be dogs someday?!

like with ziva's bath thursday. she doesn't like baths or blowdryers or really men. so wayne gave her a bath, i went in and talked to her and explained it was going to be fine, that he was "safe" and a good man, that he would take care of her, and that i'd be just a few steps away if she needed anything. she looked me right in the eye, and with a slight longing in her eyes, she told me it was okay. i checked back in with her twice before going to blow dry her and mouthed to her "you are fine, i'm right here, you're okay" i used to think when i was a little girl that i could talk to my pets, now i know that not only can i talk to them but they understand! really understand & communicate back.

ziva, the pretty lil princess reinforced these beliefs on thursday.

winston also helped me believe in this with his bathtime fri the 13th... so he was a bit under the weather from eating too much hungry howies pizza the night before, but he was still winston, heart of gold. monica gave him his bath, he hopped right into the tub, ready to get scrubbed. i spoke to winnie with my voice and my eyes, told him "monica was good people, she would take care of him, i wont be too far away if you need anything." he even let her scrub his paws!! when i came back in to check on them she was talking to him, explaining why she didn't really like baths either but it was important...when i checked back again winnie was cozy on her lab with her blow-drying him! such a good boy!

then there are the smiles that melt my heart, the direct eye contact with those i cherish. if you can't see the love, open up your eyes!

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